ESC does not import the secondary detail from Profit Strategies, also known as QSP (Quality Service Pricing), by default. This behavior can be overridden by following this procedure:
- Export the data from QSP in both the standard format and the Callahan Roach format.
- Open Kimmons1 in Excel. Open Repairs2 in Excel and be sure to remove all fixed width divisions except for the first two, so you end up with 3 columns, and make sure all columns are formatted as text. Copy Repairs2 and paste it as a second sheet in Kimmons1.
- Then switch back to the Kimmons1 tab and paste this formula in column AD:
=Trim(D1)&" "&Trim(VLOOKUP(C1,Sheet1!A:G,7,FALSE)) - Save the file as an ASCII Tab Delimited file and close it.
- Open it back up in Excel and cut column AD and paste it over column D. Save the file as an ASCII Tab Delimited file and close it.
- Open it in Notepad and replace tabs with the CR separator character, double quotes with @@, single quotes with nothing, and @@ with a single quote. Save it and import it using the CR import.
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