The QuickBooks Integration Guide


Welcome To The QuickBooks Integration Guide!

Welcome to the QuickBooks Integration Guide. The following instructions will help you to integrate your Electronic Service Control database with your QuickBooks Accounting database. The integration process is fast and easy, and will cover everything from the initial setup process to your day-to-day procedures. 

Integration Requirements

In order to successfully integrate with Electronic Service Control, you will need to first have QuickBooks Pro, Premiere or Enterprise installed. You may use any version that is 2008 or higher.

License Requirements

It is not necessary to have a certain license for Electronic Service Control to be able to integrate with QuickBooks.

It is important to note that while your Electronic Service Control database is connected, QuickBooks will need to use one of your QuickBooks user licenses. If you have only one license for QuickBooks, then you will need to install the ESC Accounting Server on the workstation that uses QuickBooks most frequently, or you will need to purchase an additional user license.




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  • I am helping a client decide whether to use ESC or FieldEdge. Which QuickBooks products integrate with each of your products? Is there a newer version of this Integration Guide?

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  • Hi Robin,

    If someone is using QuickBooks, the requirements are fairly loose.

    QuickBooks Accounting:
    US Editions: QuickBooks 2008 (or later) Simple Start, Pro, Premier, Contractor's Edition, Accountant's Edition, or Enterprise Solutions 8.0 (or later).

    Canadian Editions:
    QuickBooks 2009 (or later) Pro, Premier or Enterprise.
    Note: The Canadian multi-currency edition is not supported.

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