How Do I Create or Edit Users for ESC?


Creating individual users in ESC has a lot of benefits.  Having each employee log in with their own personal credentials provides you with full control over what those employees can see and do.  You may not want your dispatcher getting into Sales Reports and you may not want your technicians making changes to dispatches without the dispatching knowing about it.  

To create new Users in ESC, you'll head to Company → Setup Users.  In the Users screen, you'll see the ADMIN user listed along with any other users that may have already been created for this database.

Creating a New User

To add a new user to your company, click the Add New button on the toolbar.

If you are connected to your database using Windows Authentication, a screen will appear asking you to select the Windows User for your Domain or Workgroup that you wish to associate to this ESC user.  This is not a necessary step and can be skipped by clicking the Next button at the bottom of the screen.


Next, you'll need to choose a User Name for this new user.  ESC will capitalize all the letters of the name automatically. You'll also want to assign a password (and verify that password in the next field).  ESC does not require that all users have a password, but it helps to keep your information secure if someone tries to access your database with this user profile.  

If this user will have permissions for ESC Mobile, you will be required to enter a password.  You will also be required to fill out the Associate to Tech field.  The Associate to Tech field ties this user to a technician in ESC so that their dispatches can be routed accurately to their device.  Otherwise, this field does not need to be filled in.  

Click Next to enter the Security Options screen.  The Security Options available to your users will be broken down into individual sections of ESC.  Each section can be expanded to show sub-divisions - usually Screens, Reports and Utilities.  Each sub-division can also be expanded to show very specific permissions.  

To indicate which screens or functions this user will have permissions for, you'll place a check mark in the empty box to the left.  To enable whole areas for this user, place a check mark next to the heading for that section.

Once you are satisfied with this user's setup, click the Finish button.  You can also click the Back button to return to the previous screen.  

Base on Another User

When creating multiple new users, copying Security Options from one user into another user can not only save time, but also insure accuracy.  To do this, head to Company → Setup Users and click the Add New button.  Assign a User Name and Password to this user - be sure to fill in the Associate to Tech field if this user will have any ESC Mobile options - and then click Next.

In the Security Options screen, click the Base on Another User button below the list of options.

Select a user from the drop down list that already has their Security Options setup the way you want the new user's options to be.  Click OK and then Finish to complete the setup of this user.

Editing a User

Once a user has been setup in ESC, it's always possible to go back and make changes to their profile.  This may be necessary if you need to change or retrieve their password or make changes to their Security Options.

To edit an existing user, go to Company → Setup Users.  You may either double-click on the User Name or highlight the name and click the Edit button on the toolbar.  The only thing you will not be able to change is the User Name.  

Once you have made necessary changes to this user's profile, be sure to click the Finish button under the Security Options screen.  This will save your changes; simply exiting the screen will not.

Deleting a User

A diamond is forever.  An employee is not.  The good news is that it is easier to say goodbye to them in ESC than it will be in real life.  

To remove a user from ESC, go to Company → Setup Users.  Click on the User Name once to highlight that user.  Now click on the Delete button on the toolbar.

Click OK on the confirmation message and that user will disappear from the list. A user in ESC does not contain any historical or transactional information.  For this reason, you can safely delete a user at any time, for any reason. 

If you are removing a user because an employee has left the company, you may also want to consider deactivating their employee profile.  To do this, head to Dispatch → Enter Technicians.  Then double-click on the Name or click on them once to highlight the employee and click the Edit button on the toolbar.  

In the Edit Employee screen, you'll see an Active check box to the right of the Dispatch Name field.  Remove the check from that box and then click OK.

Note: If this employee was on the Electronic Dispatch Board, you'll need to manually remove them.  This can be accomplished by going to Dispatch → Setup Dispatch Boards.



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