Status Codes are used to manage your workflow on the Electronic Dispatch Board and track times for your technicians. When the status code of a dispatch is changed the dispatch is time and date stamped in accordance with the rules applied to the status code. This may change the icon shown on the dispatch board. Status Codes can also be used to automatically transfer dispatches to other technicians.
Example: A typical service workflow is similar to this. When the technician leaves for the customer's site the status is set to Traveling. This sets the dispatch date and time along with the dispatchers name. The dispatch icon changes to a truck so that you know he is on his way. After arriving at the customer's site the technician changes the status to Working. This sets the time on and changes the displayed icon to wrench. Upon completing the work, the technician changes the status to Complete. The date and time off are set when this happens and the call disappears from the active board and goes to the history board. If the technician had not finished the job and needed to go back out later on he could have changed the status to Off Job instead of Complete. This would still set the date and time off but it would leave the dispatch on the active board with a folder icon so it could be reassigned or returned to later.
Creating a New Status Code
- To create a new status code click the Add New button at the top of the screen.
- Enter the name of the new Status Code.
- If you want the new status code to be the one automatically added to new dispatches when they are created, click the Set as Default in Dispatch Entry box. Only one status code can be set this way, so selecting this will remove it from the code that is currently the default.
The next five fields can be set to any of the following codes:
- Set If Empty: This will set the current time or date in the selected field, if the field is empty. If the field contains information, it will not be changed.
- Set: This will set the current time or date in the selected field. If information was contained within the field it will be overwritten.
- Clear: This will delete any information that was contained in the field and leave the field blank.
- None: This setting will not change any information contained in the field.
The following fields control how time is calculated on the dispatch. They also determine the icon that is shown on the EDB. Only one icon can be shown on a dispatch at a time.
- Date Dispatched - This field is used to log the date that the technician starts traveling to the job site.
- Time Dispatched -
This field is used to log the time that the technician starts traveling to the job site. If this field remains blank past the dispatch's promised time a red clock icon will appear on the dispatch to let you know you missed a commitment. Once data has been entered in this field the icon will change to a truck showing you the tech is enroute to the dispatch.
- Dispatcher Name - This field is used to log the name of the dispatcher who changes the status of the dispatch. If this field is set, the dispatcher’s name will be taken from their logon name.
- Time On -
This field is used to log the time the technician arrives at the job site. This also marks the end of the travel time. The icon will change to a wrench icon to let you know the technician is working on the dispatch at this time.
- Date \ Time Off -
This field is used to log the time the technician leaves the job site. If the dispatch is left on the board the icon will change to a folder.
- Transfer To Technician - This field is used to automatically transfer a dispatch to a particular technician when the status is changed. This is particularly helpful when used in conjunction with a Non-Tech Dispatch Column (i.e. Backorder). This field is blank by default. To choose a technician to transfer the dispatch to, click on the down-arrow key to the right of this field. A list of all technicians will be displayed. Click the desired technician.
- Leave On Board - This field is used to select whether the dispatch will be displayed as Active on the EDB. When Yes is selected, the dispatch will display when the Active filter is set. Changing the setting to No will make the dispatch display only when the History filter has been applied.
- Set On Assign - If this field is set to Yes, the person modifying the dispatch will be asked if they wish to change to the current status code when the dispatch is transferred from a Non-Tech Dispatch Column to a Technician. If the field is set to No, this will not happen.
- Set On Unassign - If this field is set to Yes, the person modifying the dispatch will be asked if they wish to change to the currently displayed status code when the dispatch is transferred from a Technician to a Non-Tech Dispatch Column. If the field is set to No, this will not happen.
Edit a Status Code
If any changes need to be made to an existing Status Code, this can be accomplished by going to Dispatch → Enter Status Codes. Double-click an existing status code on this screen to open the Edit screen. These changes will not affect dispatches already in this status, just dispatches that are changed to this status from this point on.
Warning: We don't recommend changing the default status codes that come with ESC as it may cause unpredictable results. If you have already done this, you can click here to see their default values so that you can change them back.
You can also edit the order in which Status Codes are listed on the Electronic Dispatch Board and Dispatch screen. To do this, go to Dispatch → Enter Status Codes. Select a status code on the screen then click the Up or Down arrow on the toolbar.
Since status codes are used frequently by ESC Mobile app users, it would be very helpful to update this article to show how new/revised codes are pushed to the apps via the ESC Connections Server. This is covered in step 7 of the following article:
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