How Do I Order Parts from a Dispatch?


When creating a dispatch it is possible to attach the parts you will need to complete it. Before performing the work it is wise to see if you have those parts in stock and order them if you do not.

To do this, recall the dispatch on the Dispatch screen.  This can be done by going to the Dispatch List and double-clicking on the dispatch, double-clicking on the dispatch from the Electronic Dispatch Board, or by opening the dispatch from the Customer Center Details panel.  

Open the Parts tab of the Dispatch screen and add any parts that you'll need to perform the scheduled service or task.  

Next, click the Activities button on the top toolbar and select Order Parts.

The resulting window shows the status of the parts needed to complete the Dispatch.  Parts shaded in gray are available in your warehouse and do not need to be ordered.  These will be unchecked for you, but you can still place a check next to them in order to force ESC to place them on a Purchase Order.

  • The Total Quantity field shows how many of each item you have in stock.
  • The Warehouse (WH) Quantity shows how many items of that type are in the currently selected warehouse.
  • Then verify the Vendor you want to order the part from. Although the Preferred or Default Vendor for that part is shown it can easily be changed if needed.
  • The PO field allows you to add the item to an open purchase order for the same vendor if one exists or create a new purchase order if one does not. This field must be filled out for every checked item before continuing.
  • Once everything is set to your satisfaction, click the Create and Edit button to generate the purchase orders and open them for additional editing; or the Create All button to create the purchase orders for editing and printing later.


Reviewing Your Order

ESC not only allows you to order parts directly from a Dispatch, but you can also go back at any time and see what parts have been ordered.  This can be especially handy if more than one person is managing dispatches and/or orders.

To view what has been ordered for this Dispatch, open this dispatch in the Dispatch screen and then head to the Activities menu.  Click on View Ordered Parts.  The screen that appears will show you what parts have been ordered for this Dispatch, who they were ordered from and which parts have already been received.  You can click Open next to any item to view the Purchase Order it was ordered on.

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