Jobs allow you to accurately track all the costs and revenue associated with work you are doing for a customer. By associating your invoices and quotes with a particular Job, you'll be able to compare your estimated costs and profits with your actual costs and profits.
Jobs are generally only set up for projects that will involve multiple dispatches, invoices and/or purchase orders. Accurate profit tracking for jobs that have a single invoice can be accomplished by running a sales report from within the ESC software.
Creating a New Job from the Job List
- Go to Customer Info → Job List.
- Click the Add Job button.
- In the Setup Jobs screen, you may either assign a Job Name or click the Assign next job number button to generate the next Job Number available.
- Now you'll select a Customer to associate this Job to. If the customer does not already exist, please exit the Setup Jobs screen and create the customer first. You can select your customer by either typing their name in (last name first) or by clicking the drop-down arrow to open the Customer Search screen.
**At this time, it is possible to Save this Job and begin using it to track your transactions. However, there are other fields that may prove useful in tracking this particular project. We'll continue with those below. - If the Customer associated with this Job has more than one Location, select the Location that this Job will be linked to.
- Select a Supervisor to oversee this Job. This would give you the ability to run the Job Sales Report for all Jobs under a particular Supervisor.
- Select the name of the Salesperson for this Job. The Salesperson will carry over to all invoices created for the Job.
- Select the Department that this Job falls under. All invoices created for this particular Job will use the assigned Department.
- The Status field allows you to track the current standing of this Job, whether it is Pending, Open or Closed.
- Jobs can also be sorted or reported on by their Start and End Dates, so it is a good idea to fill in these fields if you know what those dates may be.
- If there are notes that need to be recorded for this particular Job, you can add those into the Notes tab of the Setup Jobs screen.
Once you have finished setting up a new Job, be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Creating New Jobs On The Fly
If you are already in the middle of generating a Quote or a Dispatch and realize that you need to create a Job for this customer, you don't have to go to the Job List to do so. Instead, click the drop-down arrow in the Job field to open the Job Search screen.
In the Job Search screen, you may search for an existing Job by the Job Name and/or Status, or you can click the Add New Job button to create a new job. In the Setup Jobs screen, you'll follow the steps above to create this new job. When you click Save, the Setup Jobs screen will be closed automatically and the new job you created will appear in the Job field.
QuickBooks Note: When a job is created in ESC the job is immediately created in QuickBooks. The Start Date becomes the Start Date in QuickBooks, and the Projected End Date becomes the Projected End in QuickBooks. These are the only fields in QuickBooks that ESC affects. Additional fields such as Job Status and End Date will have to be manually adjusted in QuickBooks if desired.
Sage 50 Note: When a job is created in ESC the job is immediately created in Sage 50. The Job Name field is transferred to Sage 50 as both the Job ID and Description. The Start Date and Supervisor field are sent the to same fields in Sage 50. The Projected End Date in ESC becomes the End Date in Sage 50. These are the only fields that ESC affects. Additional fields will have to be manually adjusted in Sage 50 if desired.
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