ESC Mobile makes the customer's equipment records available to you at the touch of a button. By tapping the Equipment button on the Navigation bar, you'll know before you even arrive at the customer's location what you'll be dealing with.
If the Equipment screen is blank at first glance, don't fret. This just means that no particular piece of equipment has been associated with - or "attached" - to this dispatch. By tapping the Download All button, you will be provided with the customer's full list of equipment.
Each item will be listed by Make and Model number, followed by the Serial Number. If no Serial Number is assigned to the item, the Equipment ID or Warranty Date will be shown instead.
To view more information about a particular unit, simply tap on it. You will now be able to view all of the information there is on this equipment, including the Make, Model, Type, and Serial number, the Installation and Warranty Dates, the Location where the equipment was installed, whether or not there is an agreement associated to this item, Notes on the item and even the custom defined fields created for tracking additional information.
In addition to being able to view the information about this equipment, you'll also be able to edit it. Perhaps the only thing you see on an equipment record is the Make and Model of the unit. But you're standing in front of it and can see the Serial Number. Tap the Edit Equipment button at the top of that equipment record and all available fields will be opened for editing. Enter the necessary information and then tap the Save button. If all you need to do is attach a piece of equipment to the dispatch, you can do that in this screen as well. Just tap the Attached check box at the top of the Edit Equipment screen and then tap Save.
Now let's say you arrive at a customer's location and find that there is no information added for the equipment you're working on. You can add new equipment records by tapping the Add Equipment button in the Equipment screen. Enter as much of the information as you have on hand and then tap the Save button.
You may return to the dispatch by tapping the return arrow at the top of the Equipment screen.
Can a mobile user edit equipment from the customer page, or just the dispatch that he is in. If not, I'm curious of the reasoning behind this
Hi Jon,
Since your question is not directly explained in the article, this is a great question!
You can only Edit or Add Equipment through a Dispatch, on the Mobile Tech App.
Mobile Tech is designed for a technician to work on their service calls, and if they need to be editing Equipment or Adding Equipment they should be on a service call. This helps keep accountability so that a tech can't just modify any customer's equipment record.
Fortunately, if the tech needs to Edit or Add Equipment to a Customer's Record, from the App, they can then make a Dispatch for that Customer and make those Changes. They could even then update the Notes on the Dispatch explaining why this needed to be done.
Great question, Jon, thank you!
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