Add ESC Mobile for Windows to a Laptop


Once Electronic Service Control is setup for communicating with ESC Mobile, it's time to get the ESC Mobile Laptop client installed on your laptops.

  1. Click here to download the latest version of ESC Mobile Laptop (warning - you'll need to make sure Electronic Service Control is also at the latest available version).
  2. Select "Run" if given the option to run the download by your browser.  Otherwise, Save the file to a location on your computer you are familiar with.  When the download is complete, start the installation by double-clicking on the downloaded file.
  3. Accept all the defaults as you go through the wizard. You do not need to do anything during the course of the wizard other than click the Next button.
  4. Click the Close button when it appears at the end of the wizard to finish the installation.
  5. To open the program navigate to your Start screen or menu in Windows and search for "ESC Mobile for Windows", then click the option when it appears.  If you are using Windows 8, simply return to the Start screen and type in "ESC Mobile for Windows".
  6. When the program opens click Set up your account.
  7. Enter the Server ID we sent you when you purchased the software.
  8. Enter the user name and password of an ESC user with Mobile permissions.
  9. If this technician is tied to a specific warehouse, enter the 4-digit Warehouse ID.

  10. Click Save.
  11. On the main screen, click Provision to download inventory items and status codes to the mobile computer. This is a data intensive operation and is best done over WiFi or a direct network connection to minimize time and data transfer fees.


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