How Can I Transfer Equipment from One Location to Another?


As your database grows, you'll notice that customers come and go and sometimes, new customers pop up where old customers used to reside.  If an existing customer sells their property and the new owners contact you for service, you don't want to simply change the name on the file.  That would make it appear as if the new customers were there all along.  Instead, the new customers should be created as a new customer record in ESC.  Thankfully, we make it easy to transfer the Equipment records from the old customer to the new customer.

  1. Head to the Customer Info menu and select Transfer Equipment.
  2. In the Transfer Equipment screen, you'll select your "From" customer first.  If this customer has more than one location, be sure to select the correct location.  To search for your customer, click the drop down in the Customer field.  The customer's equipment will appear in the body below.
  3. Next, select the "To" customer and their correct location.
  4. In the body of the Transfer Equipment screen, place a check mark next to each item that will be transferred to its new home.  You may also click the Select All button to quickly select all of the equipment records.
  5. Click Transfer.
  6. A confirmation message will appear, you may click OK.

The good news is that if you accidentally transfer the wrong piece of equipment, or transfer it to the wrong person, it's easy to fix.  Simply transfer it back to its original owner and you're good to go.


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