ESC's Invoice List


The ability to invoice your customers and track those invoices is vital to keeping your business in full swing.  The Invoice List provides full sorting and tracking capabilities for all invoices created within ESC.

From the Invoice List, you can track down a variety of invoices using specific search terms.  You can select any invoice and view the details and items from the Details panel on the right; or double-click on the invoice to edit it.  You can even generate lists of invoices for printing or reporting purposes.  

Searching for Invoices

The Search panel on the Invoice List's toolbar has the ability to find your search criteria anywhere within the invoice.  For instance, you can locate a customer's invoice using the customer's name, phone number or address.  

Now, let's say you need to narrow the list down.  This can be accomplished by using a combination of predefined Views, Refined Filters and the Search bar.  

You'll find your predefined Views list on the left side of the screen.  You may open this panel by clicking on the current View shown on the left side of your toolbar.

This list contains both default and custom-created views.  To change the list of invoices you're currently working with, click on a new View in the panel.

If you need to further refine the list of invoices in the current view, you can do so by clicking on the Refine Filters tab at the top of your Details panel on the right side of the screen.

The Refine Filters section allows you to enter more specific criteria in order to narrow your list down to just the invoices or customers you wish to work with.


Added Last 30 Days

This is the Invoice List's default view.  This view will show you all invoices that have been dated within the past 30 days.  The results in this list are determined by the date on the invoice, not the date the invoice was actually created.

Invoices On Hold

This view will show you all invoices on which the "On Hold" box is checked on the invoice itself.  This is a great way to ensure those invoices are never forgotten about.

Monthly Sales By Department

This view will show all invoices that have been added to the system within the current calendar month.  The list of invoices will be sorted and grouped by the Department in which they were created.

Monthly Sales by Salesperson

This view will produce a list of all invoices with a date that falls within the current calendar month.  All invoices in this list will be sorted and grouped by the Salesperson added to the invoice.

Sales This Month

This view will display all invoices that have a date within the current calendar month.  This list will be sorted by the Salesperson and will provide invoice totals.

Unposted Invoices

This view will display any and all invoices that have not been posted to your third-party accounting system.  If no accounting system is connected with ESC, then it is normal to find all invoices in this list.

Toolbar Options

Now you know how to sort through and search for particular invoices, but what can you do with the results once you have them?  There's a lot you can do!  You can generate a report, contact all customers by printing or emailing their invoices and even export the results to an Excel spreadsheet.

    Clicking the Add  button on the toolbar will open a menu with options for creating invoices of multiple types or in multiple ways.  From here, you can create a blank invoice or credit memo, create a Point of Sale invoice, create a new invoice from a completed dispatch or import an invoice from a mobile device.
  •  If changes have been made to an invoice or the filters of a View, clicking the Refresh button will ensure you have the latest information available.
  •  The Export button will turn the current view - with all of its results - into a CSV file, which can be opened by a variety of programs.  Primarily, you'll use this button to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet.
  •  The Print button will print the View and its results in a Landscape format.  Only the columns that can be fit onto the printed page will be included, so make sure you narrow down your View to only the necessary information.
  •  The number of all records being shown in the current view will be displayed at the end of your toolbar.  You may not always want specific invoice details when working in the Invoice List, but instead, you may want to know how many invoices fit your criteria.
  •  The Activities menu in the Invoice List provides you with the option to Print/Email Selected Invoices.  This option can be used to send all invoices in the current list to your customers by either printing them or emailing them to an email address on file.
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