ESC Front Office: How To Configure Front Office


In order for your customers to be able to use the Front Office you will first need to configure it to match the way your company works and select the options you want the customer to be able to see.

To do this click File → Configure Front Office Application. All of the tabs must be configured before customers can access the Front Office. 

Messages tab

This screen is used to configure messages that appear on the screen when the customer is requesting service. Each field is described below and includes a screen shot showing you where this will appear on the customer interface.

Reason for service - Use this field to prompt the customer to enter accurate, detailed information about why they are requesting service. Other information you might want to request includes the urgency of the request, days they are available, etc.

Availability - Use this area to let the customer know that the date and time they requested is subject to confirmation.

Confirmation - This field is used to let the customer know that you have received their request and what your next action will be. Additional information about the customer or their request can be added to this message by right-clicking this field and selecting the desired information.


PayPal tab

This screen is used to enter information about the PayPal account you will be using to collect payments from your customers.

Account Name - Enter your PayPal account name here. Leave this area blank if you do not want your customers to be able to pay their bills online.

URL of Logo to Display - Enter the web address where your logo resides to have it show on PayPal's site when the customer pays their bill online. The logo must be 150x150 pixels or smaller.



Schedule Times tab


Use this screen to set the time frames customers can pick from when requesting service.  The dispatch created by the service request will appear on the ESC dispatch board at the time specified in the Actual Time Scheduled field.  The customer will see these options when requesting service (as shown below).


Email tab

The following messages need to be configured before the Front Office can be used.

Request lost login/password - This message is sent to the customer when they click I Lost My Password on the Front Office logon screen. It should contain the customer's password along with any other information you wish to include.

Error Report - This email will be sent to someone you specify in case an error occurs in the Front Office. It should at least contain the time, date, customer number, location number and error message.

Request Service - This email will be sent to someone you specify (such as your dispatcher) every time a customer requests service. At the very least it should contain the date, time, request date, request time, request reason, customer number, location number, dispatch number and email address.

Confirmation - This email will be sent back to the customer after they have requested service. It should contain the request date, request time, request reason, dispatch number and request address along with information about what will happen next.

Send Login Information to User - This will be your invitation to customers granted access to the Front Office. It should contain the user email and user password along with the Front Office web address and a listing of the things they can do through the Front Office.

Required Fields

As the name suggests the following fields are REQUIRED and must be filled out with valid information before customers can access the Front Office. These fields must be configured for each message that can be sent. To do this click on the first message in the list and fill out these fields. Repeat this process with each remaining message.

From Email Name - Enter the name you would like to appear in the from field of the message. This will generally be your company name.

From Email Address - Enter a valid email address here. This address will be used if the customer replies to any of your messages.

Subject - This tells the customer what the email is going to be about. Label it in such a way that the customer can distinguish between your email and spam.

Body - Use this field to compose the message you are going to send. To insert merge fields, which will be replaced by the customer's data when sent, simply position your cursor in the appropriate place then right click and select the desired merge field.


Options tab

Front Office Preferences - Options

Use this screen to determine what your customers can access when they logon to the Front Office.  Place a check mark next to the options you wish to enable for users.


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