ESC Mobile Tech: Adding and Viewing Documents


ESC Mobile allows you to view a variety documents that are associated to the customer's record. Attaching documents in both Electronic Service Control and ESC Mobile is a great way to store warranty documentation, equipment and location pictures and other documents that may be associated with providing service to your customers.To view attached documents from ESC Mobile, tap on the Documents button in the Navigation bar.

All documents associated with the main customer record and attached directly to this dispatch will be displayed. To open a document, simply tap on the name. You will only be able to open a document if you have an app already installed on your device that can read that document type. For instance, you will need a PDF viewer installed before you will be able to view attached PDF's. Documents over 2.5MB in size will not be viewable through the Mobile Tech app.

In addition to viewing documents already attached to the customer record, you will also be able to add images. If the image is already on your device, tap the Choose Picture button. Your document will display images stored on the device itself that you may choose. When you select an image, you will be asked to name that image and may then tap the Upload button.

If you would like to take a new picture and attach it to this dispatch, select the Take Picture option and the device's camera will be activated. From here you will have the option to discard the image and take another by tapping the arrow icon on the left, exit the camera function by tapping the X icon on the right, or accept the picture by tapping the check mark icon in the center. You will need to give your image a name and then tap the Upload button.

All new images added from the device itself will appear in the office once the dispatch is marked Complete.

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