How Do I Create a Custom List View?


Creating Custom Views

If you find yourself working with or searching for the same group of customers, inventory items or types of dispatches over and over again, you may want to cut down on some of the time it takes you by creating your own Custom View.  When you create a Custom View, you tell ESC what information you want your list of results narrowed down by and what information you want shown on the screen.  Each time you click on that view, all records matching your criteria will be displayed.  

In this example, we create a custom view in the Customer Center, but this procedure will be the same for the Dispatch List, Item List, Invoice List and all other List screens.

  1. Click on the current View on the toolbar to open the Views panel.  
  2. Click the Add a Custom View option - or the Add a Personal View option for a custom view that only you can see.

  3. Start by giving your new view a Name.
  4. Next, you'll see options to set this view to a Personal View (Only I can see this view), to restrict other users from editing this view (Only I can modify this view) and to set this new custom view as your default for the Customer Center (Set as the default view).
  5. In the Select Fields tab, you'll choose all of the informational columns that you want displayed on the screen when your view is selected.  
    • If you want a column to show, place a check mark to the left of the Field name.  
    • By grabbing the handle to the left of the Field, you'll be able to rearrange the order in which the fields will show.  
    • The Group option will combine information into a single line, like a heading, rather than listing the same information repeatedly, line after line.  For instance, if the new view is for sorting all customers by a certain Zip Code, you may wish to set the Zip Code field to the very top of the list so that it is the first column displayed.  Then select the Group option to show the Zip Code once for all customers, rather than showing the Zip Code on every single line.
    • The Sort option - either Descending or Ascending - determines how the column will be sorted.  The results in the list will be sorted by the first Field with an assigned Sort Order.
    • The Total option will only be available to particular numerical fields.

  6. Now, switch over to the Filters tab.  This determines what results will be displayed on the screen when your view is selected.  
    • Filters can be removed from this tab by clicking on the red minus sign to the right of the Filter.  
    • Filters can also be rearranged by grabbing and dragging the handles to the left of the Filter name.  
    • Some filters - but not all - will have a drop-down arrow to the right of the field to allow you to select from a list of options.
    • More filters can be added by scrolling to the bottom of the current Filter list and then selecting the Add Filters button.  

  7. Once you have your view setup the way you like it, click the OK button at the bottom of the window.  

You can edit your view at any time by clicking on it in the Views panel and then selecting the green Modify button.  You can also delete the view by clicking on it in the Views panel and then clicking on the red Delete icon.

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