How To Setup ESC for Progressive Billing


Progressive Billing is the term used to describe the process of invoicing a job/quote in multiple stages. Thus, the customer may have a quote for a job for $4,000. The job is done in four stages, and at the end of each stage, 25% of the quote is billed. The progressive billing function in ESC uses Quotes, Jobs, and Billing Codes to allow you to set up these job prices and bill a percentage of the quote in different stages. The following information illustrates all of the steps needed to use the progressive billing function in ESC, from creating the job to billing the final dollars.

System Setup for Progressive Billing

Note: This information only needs to be entered the first time progressive billing is done. We highly recommend setting up billing codes for this feature that will not be used for anything else. New billing codes can be created on the Enter Billing Codes screen.

When progressive billing invoices are created the billing codes and items used on the quote are grouped by their type (labor, materials, etc.) and combined into a single billing code. Head to Company → System Setup → Progressive Billing to assign which billing codes will be used during this process.

This screen can also be used to set billing codes that will be used to track change orders made to the job once it has been started, contract amounts and retainage information. 

Once all of your codes have been entered, click OK.  You are now setup for progressive billing.

How To Create Progressive Bills →

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