Certified Payroll features are designed to accommodate payroll wage reporting for jobs. In most cases, in order for an employee to work on a certified job, they must be paid a specified wage different from the regular wage.
Setting Up a Certified Job
There are only two things that must occur to get Certified Payroll Reports; the job must be marked as a Certified Job in the Setup Jobs screen and there must be time posted to that job. If the employee is being paid at a different rate, we suggest setting up a separate wage item for these jobs.
To set up the job, go to Customer Info → Job List → Add Job and enter the appropriate information for the job. To make this a certified job, check the box beside Certified Job.
When setting up wage items for certified rates, you will need a regular pay item, an overtime pay item and, possibly, a salary pay item, but not vacation or sick. Vacation and sick wage categories will not appear on the certified report. Make sure all the taxes that apply are checked, just like on the normal wage items.
When entering payroll, choose the certified wage item and enter the job number when entering the employee’s hours under the correct days of the week.
Once payroll checks are processed the employee’s names and wages paid will appear on the report located under Employees → Reports → Certified Payroll Report.
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