Tracking Vacation Time with Job Costing (ESC Accounting Only)


The following procedure is only possible through ESC Accounting integration and will not work if you are integrated with QuickBooks or PeachTree/Sage50. This process can be used to track Vacation time, Sick time or other out-of-the-office hours you wish to track for your employees.

Start by setting up a job for each employee by going to Customer Info → Job List → Add Job.  Use their name or employee number for the Job Name and for the Customer field, use a customer with your company name or set up a customer called "Payroll". You only need the Job Name and Customer, but you can put the Department on it if you know what department you want the time used to post to. 

Set up a Job Class for each item you wish to track by going to Company → Enter Job Classes

Set up an Expense account to use in the journal entry by going to Company → Enter Chart of Accounts → Add New. The balance should always be 0. 

Set up a journal entry, as shown below, to enter the time allowed for the year for each employee by going to Company → General Journal → Add Journal Entry.  Each Unit equals one hour.  So in the example below, George is allowed 16 hours of Sick and 40 hours of Vacation. You can do more than one employee per journal entry. 

The important items are marked. Make sure the units are a negative #.

When you have the journal entry the way you want it, click Memorize and give it a name. Save the journal entry to enter the allowed time to each employee’s job.

This is what the Job Labor Report would look like after entering the above journal entry. You can view the Job Labor Report by going to Company → Reports → Job Reports → Labor Report.  

When the employee takes vacation or sick time, it should be entered on the time sheet as shown below, making sure to enter the correct Job and Job Class.

After payroll is processed the Job Labor Report will look like this:

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  • Is there anyway to accomplish this with a QuickBooks integration?

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  • Hi Brinda, this is "ESC Accounting" integration only.

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  • can you use ESC Accounting/ Payroll to accumulate PTO hours based on hours worked

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