Backloading Jobs for ESC Accounting


To enter all open jobs into ESC, head to the Customer Center and locate each customer you need to create a job for.  Right-click on the customer's name and select Add Job

After jobs have been setup, enter costs and income on open jobs through the General Journal using the correct GL account number, job class and job number.   

  1. Go to Company → General Journal.
  2. Click Add Journal Entry.
  3. Enter a Date within your backloading period.
  4. Begin listing the accounts and amounts from your previous accounting system, being sure to select the Job on each line. The Job Class and Cost Type fields are optional.

After listing the sales and expenses, the balance of the entry will need to be offset. This can be done by adding one more line to the journal entry to the Invalid Account.  Do NOT select a job, job class or cost type on this line.

Click Save when you are finished.

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