Being able to quickly identify, track down, and monitor payments are critical components to make sure you're receiving the money your company is due. ESC provides reports and methods to ensure your payments are where they need to be. The following guides help identify payments and provides guidance on what you can do in the event you're unable to find a particular payment.
- Viewing ESC Payment Reports
- Tracking Payments in Virtual Terminal
- Troubleshooting Missing Payments
- What if a Payment appears in Virtual Terminal and not in ESC?
- What if a Payment appears in ESC and not in Virtual Terminal?
Viewing ESC Payment Reports
With the Payments Report open, you can make a quick adjustment to some of the filters. This will help you quickly identify certain payment types, such as credit card or check payments.
- Note: This guide is intended for helping with reporting and reconciling, which means we will take a few extra steps in some areas so that the overall reconciliation process is fluid.
First, we need to navigate to the Payments Report. This is done by clicking on Receivables from the top menu in ESC, selecting the Reports option, and choosing Payments Reports. With the Payment Reports filter window on screen, the next steps will configure this report to help you better interpret the data.
1. If you do not see Payment Type as a Filter option, click the Add Filter button and check the Payment type filter and click OK to add it to the report.
- Optional: It’s recommended to view the additional filters and add the filters that might be helpful to your specific company.
2. On the Payments Report Filter window, change the values of any Dates, Departments, or additional Filters that you’d like to narrow down and click Preview.
3. A report will generate based on the information you’ve filtered. Use the list of ESC payments that will in most cases, be listed in Clearent.
Tracking Payments in Virtual Terminal
1. In Virtual Terminal, select the Transactions tab.
2. Select the appropriate Terminal, (Swipe) or (Manual).
3. Next, specify if you're looking for Card Transactions or ACH Transactions.
4. Click into the Date filter and choose one of the selections. If searching for a Card Transaction, you may specify a Custom Date range.
5. We now want to add columns to the report. Click the Choose Columns button and choose the Order ID and Customer ID options and then click the Search button.
- Note: Each Terminal will save your column selections, so you should only have to configure these once.
With the report configured, you will now be able to search for specific payments. If reconciling between Clearent and ESC, the following fields are linked and therefore should be visible in both programs.
Troubleshooting Missing Payments
What if a Payment appears in Virtual Terminal and not ESC?
Does the Payment have an Order ID? No.
If there is no Order ID in Virtual Terminal, this is likely because the payment in question was directly received in Virtual Terminal.
You may resolve this by creating an Invoice in ESC, providing a Non-Inventory Item with a price matching the payment required, and then receive a payment by selecting the payment method and manually assigning the Authorization number that was in Virtual Terminal, then click Save.
This may be resolved by creating an Invoice for the Amount in Virtual Terminal, applying a Credit Card Payment, and manually entering the Auth Code from Virtual Terminal as the Authorization #.
- Note: Do not charge the Credit Card again. You need only assign a credit card type matching the Customer's Credit Card, the payment, and the Authorization #.
Once saved, there is no further action required in this scenario.
Does the Payment have an Order ID? Yes
If there is an Order ID then we will want to use information from the Virtual Terminal to search in ESC to find the Invoice.
In ESC, click on the Receivables button from the top menu. Select Reports and choose Payment Reports.
Click the Add Filter button and choose filters that can be applied to help find this transaction. Such as, Customer Num, Payment Type, Date, or Check Number. Now, use the information from Virtual Terminal to search fields on the Payments Report. If a result is returned, you have located the Invoice and no further action is required.
What if a Payment appears in ESC and not Virtual Terminal?
Verify the missing Payment is not in Virtual Terminal
If you have a Payment that is appearing in ESC, but not in Virtual Terminal, the first step will be to use the information from ESC and do a comprehensive search in Virtual Terminal. Even if you may have done this, it is encouraged to follow these steps once more, as we offer a few lesser known steps to tracking down payments.
1. Viewing ESC Payments Report.
2. Tracking Payments in Virtual Terminal.
- If the Payment is located, no further action is required.
3. If Payment is still not found, keep in mind that Virtual Terminal has two Terminals and each Terminal has two tabs (Card Transactions and ACH Transactions). Try searching in both locations.
4. Lastly, if still unable to locate the Payment, then we can manually enter the payment directly into Virtual Terminal.
- Note: Once the Payment has been added to Virtual Terminal, no further action is required. Keep in mind this will not be reflected in ESC.
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