Mobile Warehouses Resetting ALL the time!
I am using ESC mobile with 15 techs. Obviously setting the warehouse number on the designated device is what tells ESC where to pull the inventory from and very important to our workflow. I am seeing all of these 15 devices reset back to 0000 several times per week and can't figure out why. Does not appear to be a pattern, very sporadic with no rhyme or reason. Has anyone had this issue? If so, do you know how to fix?
Hey Josh,
At least in practice, what resets the warehouse back to zero is a technician clicking the Settings button. As soon as they do that, the warehouse gets reset.
Now, that's not without it's extensive testing.
I spoke with a client, actually on two separate occasions.They had both explained that the warehouses were resetting. Now, I absolutely believe that is happening. But I wanted to do some extensive testing to see if I could replicate the issue.
So, I had them provide me a Tech ID that would NOT be used by any other device other than myself, for about the course of a week.
Both companies allowed me to test this way. They provided me a Tech ID and Password and no other tech was allowed to use that ID or a device with that ID.
So, I started by plugging in a warehouse number and I never touched the settings after that.
I had each customer provide me (on these separate occasions) Dispatches, which I could test with - Status Changes, Invoices, etc.
Each morning, I had an Alarm on my phone go off to have me check the Mobile Device and create an Invoice for a particular Dispatch.
Each morning, I'd Complete those Dispatches with their assigned Invoices and then email the customers for them to go check their Import from Mobile.
Each time, the warehouse had never changed.
After a collective, between the two customers, two weeks of testing, we were unable to replicate the issue with about 10 Dispatches (1 each day).
Now, I'm not saying that means you're warehouse is not changing. However, I would encourage you to employee this tactic on your end and give it a shot for a week. One Dispatch a Day. And remember, you are setting up Mobile Tech once and never going into Settings on that Device again during the duration of your Test.
It may also be prudent to enable Detailed Logging during this week long testing, so that you have an accurate log of information in case you discover you've found a way to replicate it or found a specific example that cause the Warehouse to change in.
Give this a shot and let us know how it goes!
Thanks Scott! I'll give it a go and report back with my findings.
I'm rooting for you, amigo!
This was a fairly major issue a while back. We participated in the testing and the mobile app was reportedly patched. We had all the techs delete the app and reload it and the occurrences have dropped almost to 0.
However, as I commented then, it would appear that the real solution would be to quit resetting the setup just because the setup screen was entered. Optionally, require the password to be reentered to access that screen, so that it can't be done by accident.
Yep, bingo on that advice Rick. I emailed dev about that actually to see if they could start looking into the time investment to those changes versus their current sprints/timelines. Seems like a fairly "easy" solution.
Hey Guys, just wanted to check back in. I followed your advice and it seems like we are still going strong. Perhaps it was just the users entering the setup screen. I'm going to give it another week and see what happens. I have Detailed Logging enabled so if it happens again I will report back my findings. Thanks so much for the help!
Thanks for the update, Josh! Glad to hear things are going strong so far. Keep us in the loop, you know where to find us!
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