
Profit by customer

Does anyone have expereince in generating profit bu customer and then location?



  • Hey Jeff! Looking forward to see what our community has to suggest on this one! I moved your post to the Tips and Tricks since it's relevant here and also this forum has more "followers" than General, so we'll have more eyes on it!

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  • So the one report I saw that might help, would be the Customer Sales Analysis.

    Sales > Reports > Customer Sales Analysis

    Try running this report and specify a particular Customer that has multiple locations. Also, make sure that each location, or at least two or more of the locations have Invoices. Then, preview the report.

    You'll get a breakdown of the Customer by Location, divided up by any Department that might have activity from an Invoice.

    That seems to be the report we have on that one, but maybe someone else has a better idea or a creative idea.

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  • I have never used that one, but that is a great report.

    It would be nice if it had the name of the location, and not just the number.

    For example, I service automatic doors for Stanley, and I would like to run that report and be able to just go find all the Home Depots.

    I have 140 locations, so it is hard, if not impossible to remember which location number is which store.

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  • We'd like to do a report of customers in a specific zip code. No matter what filters I try, keeps giving me 0. I know we've done a ton of work in this particular zip code, but obviously I'm not entering something correctly.

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  • Karla,

    It appears you need to enter the whole C, S Z in the filter for that.  Just the Zip gets me nothing.   San Diego, CA 92108 gets me what I expect.

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  • THANKS RICK!! I appreciate that. I hadn't taken the time to try a bunch of different things, really grateful for the help!

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