Accidental dispatch moves on EDB
Looking to find out how other users deal with desktop users accidentally moving dispatches to another location.
Sometimes dispatches get accidentally moved on EDB and we don't know they have been moved until we show up at a wrong time or customers call us and ask why we didn't show(we are lucky when that happens). I am told others do not really have this problem, so I am curious how you deal with it.
We meet once a week with other contractors and they ask what program we use. I tell them all the good, but I also tell them about losing appointments and it turns out to be a conversation about what program not to use.
I certainly don't want to continue down that path, so please share your solutions.
This problem seems to be computer or user specific. I've had the problem with a couple computers, and less now than previously.
When it's happening it generally involves someone clicking, releasing, and moving the mouse across the EDB. Either the computer, mouse driver, or ESC, doesn't realize the button has been released and grabs a bar on the EDB and moves it. Being very careful and aware helps a lot.
I don't know of a specific solutions, just that the issue has gotten pretty minimal over time.
I know that's not a lot of help, but it's what I've got.
Hi, Ken. I sometimes notice a dispatch jumps to another time seemingly out of the blue. And can't find a reason for it when it does. However, I do work where there are many dispatchers, and sometimes jobs are moved by someone else without letting everyone know, especially without confirming with the customer. We try to enforce a "datestamp" rule where if you touch the dispatch to move it to another tech, another time, etc, you just use datestamp and put your name to the action.
We also have hardcopy printouts of the dispatches to compare what time was booked vs. what time is on the board. But in most cases, our rule is go by the board not the printout. (and check for datestamped comments).
We have had the issue in the past as well. We have added the arrival time that we tell the customer to the dispatch. This way we know what was told to the customer and what time they are expecting us. We also try to timestamp and add notes anytime something is changed with a dispatch.
Thank you all the information. I have tried these remedies as well, but they still are prone to user error. It is a shame there isn't a simple option/radio button to turn that would request a confirmation when moving.
Thanks all.
I don't even think it needs an on/off option. The system already warns you if you try to move a dispatch that has been downloaded to a mobile device, so the code is there. Just take out the conditionals and make it do it full time. I don't have a problem with having to ok each change.
But, for those that do, a configuration button would be ok.
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