Customer Sort Codes

We've been looking at setting up the customer sort codes. Does anyone have any examples of ones that they use?



  • I know this post is several months old, but here are a few we use:

    EML -- email available (to send offers/reminders to sked maintenance to)

    ESA -- service agreement customer (helps sort that monthly list to send)

    RNT -- rental

    REA -- realtor

    COM -- commercial customer

    INS -- installed new system

    QTE -- quoted equipment (sort it and resend them and email asking if they are still interested)

    PET -- pet owner

    SAX -- service agreement is expired. chase them!

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  • Frank,

    X11, X12, etc  Christmas card lists

    1SC, invitees to a company function

    ALA, Alarm customers


    It's very subjective, whatever you need.

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