Tracking Billing Codes


Can I generate a report that will tell me how many of a particular billing code we've invoiced in a month? I've figured out how to do this for inventory parts, but can't find a report that will track billing codes this way.




  • Great question Danica!

    Head to the Sales pull down, select Reports, and then click on Sales Item Summary.

    Next, we need to add a filter to this report, so we can specify a particular billing code to report on.

    So, click on Add Filters and scroll down to the Product/Part Number filter and select that. Then click OK.

    Now, back to the filters screen, look for the new Product/Part Number filter you added, click into the From field and type in the Billing Code's Part Number you wish to report on.

    Then click Preview.

    There's other filters you can adjust to be more specific, but those steps are the basics to get it working.

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  • That worked. Thanks very much Scott!

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  • You're very welcome, Danica!

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  • :-)

    Uh oh, I just realized that that report gives me the $ invoiced. What I need is the # of those items invoiced.

    I don't have a Sales Item Summary report option so I used Sales Summary. Is that the problem?


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  • Hey Danica!

    In your screen, you went a bit too far.

    It's just Sales > Reports > Sales Item Summary.

    You tried...

    Sales > Reports > Sales Reports > Sales Summary.

    Bit too far my friend! Try the one I suggested!

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  • Oy. Not the most detail oriented person... thanks again Scott!

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  • No worries! I've got your back ;)

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  • OK i need this report that you are talking about to give me the cost for that billing code also. 


    Thank you, 

    Lisa V. 

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