Spinning/locking up

We are having some difficulty with ESC spinning "endless blue circle" and not responding.  Our IT person tells us that it is ESC's problem and not our systems and that we just have to deal with it.  The spinning lasts only 30 - 90 seconds but when you have a customer on the phone that seems like forever.   Is anyone else experiencing this?  If so, what have you done about it? 

Thanks, Tina



  • Sounds like you're integrated with QuickBooks as your accounting package, as the "spinning/locking up" is a huge symptom related to something going on with that.

    To remedy that, try this:

    Go to the computer with the ESC Accounting Server. Click the Pause button. Click Yes/Ok. Wait a second and then click Connect. 

    Once the connection has been restarted, try using ESC again.

    If this doesn't work, just give us a call or reach out through chat!


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  • Tina,

    Try Scott's suggestion, and cross your fingers.

    If that doesn't sort things out, take a look at:


    Version .30 was supposed to fix this issue, and I gather it did for some people, but not us.

    Best of luck.

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  • Scott,

    Has there been any more progress on this issue?  I'm still sitting here with all my systems complaining at me because they are not completely updated.



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  • Hey Rick!

    Thanks for checking in with us, greatly appreciate it.

    The issue presented in this topic appears to be related to connectivity with QuickBooks. So if that integration has been reconnected, the issue would no longer be present. 

    If the issue still persists, then it would not be related to QuickBooks, and would need to be looked at more closely by reaching out to our tech support directly and having them take a look! So, if that is the case, give us a call and we can try to see what might be causing that scenario.

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  • Scott,

    I responded to this in email so as not to disturb the boards.

    Thank you.

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  • RIck, were you able to get your issue fixed? We're experiencing the same thing and have reached out via chat a couple of times. 

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  • Jon,

    No. So we are trapped back on .net 4.6.1, and getting less secure by the day.  I'm still hoping, but not holding my breath.

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