Enable Maps For ALL & While Limiting Simultaneous Use of ESC to # of Licenses Purchased?

Our company is has 4 ESC Desktop Licenses.   6 of us have user logins to ESC.  2 of our licenses are dedicated to POS desktops.  The other 2 licenses are shared by whoever is in need of them at any given time as they come and go, in and out of the field throughout the day.


I can’t enable Google Maps for any more users than that without turning the feature off for 1 or more of them.  This leads me to believe that map privileges are directly limited to the number of Desktop User licenses we’ve purchased.  We have 4.  That’s fine because we never have more than 4 users logged into ESC at once.

However, with the Map Point, we could enable access to that mapping feature for all of our 6 users.  Then we could have any combination of 4 of our 6 ESC user accounts seeing maps when logged in.  It was flexible and didn’t require that we go into ESC > Company > Setup Users and swap the privilege from one user to the other.  It seems reasonable to allow Google Maps to be enabled—and saved in every user’s settings—but keep our limitation of only 4 logins used at any given time.

2 of our 4 licensed logins are used randomly, based on which ESC user login is needed at that time.  This is because our other ESC users are field techs who come into the office for 30 minutes for the efficiency of using a desktop computer for quotes, dispatches and seeing the map on a large screen to plan out their day.  After that, they log out of ESC and venture into the field using their licensed mobile app logins.

We only have 4 computers.  We believe it reasonable that those 4 licensed instances of ESC should be able to enjoy ESC’s complete feature set no matter which user is logged in at the time.  We‘ve always thought the way your licensing works is flexible—but respectfully—to require that we buy more desktop licenses than we would ever use at once, seems inflexible.

1)  Has dESCO inadvertently overlooked this issue?

2)  Am I correct in understanding that to see maps on all 6 of our user logins, we would have to purchase a desktop user license for each of them?

3)  Can you provide a workaround to achieve what I’ve described above?

Thanks for any help you can provide,




  • Hey Pool Shop! You're correct, by default we apply a number of Google Map licenses equal to how many Desktop licenses you have.

    Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that require a business to have more than what I just explained.

    I bumped you guys to 6, so you should be good to go.

    You can always talk to us about a particular situation =)

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  • Thanks Scott.  I went into ESC and looked at "Manage My dESCO Account."  Nothing has changed regarding our subscriptions to desktop users or any other subscribed features.  That is fine as we are not sure we are going to increase the number of desktop users just for the sake of using Google Maps. 

    Let me work it out with some others over here before any changes are made to our account subscriptions.  If you have truly bumped us up to 6 Workstation subscriptions, please see to it that you ratchet it back to 4 and make sure we won't get billed for 6 in the next billing cycle.

    Please give me an email address, phone number and name of a sales associate whom I can speak with off-forum about changes to our subscriptions. 



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  • I only increased your available Mapping Licenses, so you won't see that on your manage page. Trying to keep it simple for you guys. Might be a good idea just to go to Company | Setup Users and give it a shot, can't hurt to try.

    You can reach out to your sales rep at 800-226-7529 and select the option for sales!

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  • Oh, I see.  I didn't understand that we could subscribe to Google mapping licenses without increasing the Desktop User Licenses proportionally.  I'll go to Company > Setup Users to see if I can get Google maps on each of the desired logins.  Thanks for clearing that up for me!

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  • You're welcome. We don't have a problem increasing it by one or two depending on the scenario, you just need to ask. But we have some companies that ask for like 20 or 30, that's not something we'd be keen on doing.

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  • I'm guessing that dESCo probably has to pay a licensing fee for the use of Google maps, hence the limit.


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