Sent Emails

 Just a quick question. . . When I email an invoice from ESC is there someplace I can go later to review that sent email? Also, is there a contact log or anything similar within ESC where I can document contacts with customers? Both of these features would be great to see in the future if they do not already exist.




  • Jason,

    There is not a repository for sent email.  I do an email template and bcc myself on all of my quotes and invoices..  If you set up a rule in your email client to dump them into a specific directory you don't event have to deal with them until you need to review one.

    ESC doesn't not have a CRM function.  It used to interface with Goldmine, but not any more.  I don't know if there are any plans for future integrations.

    Hope this helps.

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  • Thanks. I appreciate your response. Blind copying yourself is a good idea. I've started printing the invoices I want to send out as PDFs and then sending them from Outlook instead of ESC. This will save me quite a few steps.

    Thanks again.

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