Quickbooks check box for billing
When an invoice is posted to QBs from ESC, all the inventory items become journal entries with the "billing" box checked off for each item. QBs preferences has an option to let you "not allow" the billing box to be checked. According to the ESC Support Team, ESC overrides this preferences option and puts a "check" in the box o every inventory item anyway. QBs thinks these items were not invoiced when in fact they were invoiced in ESC. Does anyone else struggle with this and what did you do? Are there third-party software options for removing large amounts of "billing" check marks from QBs?
Do you use ESC for inventory, or QB?
If you don't use QB, you don't need those entries at all. Just change the Inventory account on the Inventory entry screen in ESC to be blank. Scott, or tech support can help you change them all at once if you need to.
This used to be a big problem for our accounting lady, she's much happier now.
If you're using QB for inventory I have no words of wit or wisdom for you.
Hope this helps.
Thank you very much for sharing what you found!
We were also told that those General Journal entries can't be stopped... did you go to the System Setup --> System Accounts and clear the account out so the field is blank? Or do you manually remove the account when adding each inventory item?
Ok, sorry, I misspoke (typed), we didn't stop them, we created a junk account so that they didn't cause issues. Our accounting lady still has to delete them periodically but at least they don't affect her main accounts.
Ok, I'm a little confused... how does changing all of the inventory items from one inventory account to another inventory account keep them from affecting your main accounts? Or is the new account a different type?
In the System Setup there is only one Inventory & one Cost account. Do you change these to the "junk" account so it selects them by default, or do you leave these with the correct accounts and just change each inventory part to the other inventory account (the "junk" one) that isn't listed in the System Setup?
I did find out that QuickBooks Enterprise 2016 or newer allows you to batch delete entries in single user mode, so if it can batch delete journal entries that will help a lot... haven't had time to test it though: https://community.intuit.com/articles/1234548-use-the-batch-delete-void-transaction-bdt-utility-in-quickbooks-desktop-2016-and-later
Ok, I'l tell you how ours is set up, if you need more info I'll see if our accounting lady will provide more information. I don't do QB any more that I have to to help Accounting fix their problems.
In the ESC and QB Charts of Accounts, our Cost of materials resold account is 51400. There is another account, 51500 that is ESC Cost of Materials Sold.
Under system settings, System accounts, the Inventory and cost accounts are both set for 51500, as are all the inventory item records.
Presumably, in QB she is using the 51400 account fot cost of materials resold, and mostly ignores the 51500 account. Except to delete the journal entries periodically.
I also think she manual enters invoices from vendors into the 51400 account (I believe ESC could provide this, but she's not big on changes).
Hope this helps.
We have a similar problem, and for us it is big. We use ESC to invoice customers for individual dispatches, but use Quickbooks to invoice for contracts. Because bills that are received against PO's in ESC come into Quickbooks as billable, we can't effectively use the Quickbooks "Unbilled Costs by Job" report, which was very helpful to us prior to ESC in preparing invoices in Quickbooks. Really wish that Desco would re-visit this issue or provide a work around better than manually unchecking individual boxes in Quickbooks.
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