Remember to VOTE for your ideas! (Read Before Posting)

Hey everyone!

This is a great place to post your ideas for features and suggestions. Here's how we track interest in a particular suggestion...

In the image below, you'll see an idea that was suggested. When you click into the post, you'll see a number in the upper-left of the post (2, in this example). This means two people have expressed support of this idea.

To express support, or disapproval, click the up or down arrows in the top-left of the post.

NOTE: Sometimes suggestions or feature requests may already exist in the software in some variation or exactly as mentioned in the suggestion. Therefore it is to be expected that someone from the community may attempt to offer a work around or instruction. This does not undermine or downplay the feature request, it simply offers an immediate answer while the request is being considered. Due to the amount of requests we receive, we are not able to reply to all of them. But we do make an effort to read all of them.



  • HA! Thanks for using my post!!! :)

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  • You're very welcome Kelly! It was perfect, you nailed it first try.

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