Alerts between the mobile app and PC program
Are there alerts in the program that allow the dispatcher to be notified when a technician has changed the status of the job, or adds notes in the job?
I'd like to know if this feature exists as well. Just as the technicians receive an alert when they get a new dispatch from the office, it would be great to get a notification in the office that a change has been made in the field.
I don't believe it exists. A tech can send a message to all ESC users in-shop, but that's a bit clunky.
Suggestion submitted! LOL
It really would be valuable- the whole point in the mobile is to make my job easier, keeps me off the phone with the techs and lets me answer customer calls more efficiently.
Rick is correct, there is not a way to chat like that in ESC. There are customers using a great free app called Slack that helps with this.
We use this for our inter-office communication and between our mobile phones. It's awesome, I'd highly recommend it.
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