Accepted Quote HIST Tag
We are looking for a way to sort quotes by date accepted. After going through the data tables there doesn't appear to be a way to tag a quote as accepted. Has anyone else encountered this issue? or has anyone developed a work around?
A HIST code was suggested, but its my understanding that those don't actually hit the DB in a way that can be queried?
Quotes can be tagged as accepted, but I don't see where there is a date field associated.
There is a modified date field though, and ideally the change to "Accepted" should be the last modification. Unfortunately, I don't live in an ideal world, but if you do, it's a solution.
Yeah, the modified date is unfortunately triggered by too many events and/or our work flow causes a change too often for it to be reliable. Thank you for the suggestion, but that tree has already been tried and yielded no fruit.
I am now trying to create a work flow that will require our staff to create a job when a quote is accepted in the hopes that I can then find a job creation date and build a report of that. But that job creation date appears elusive at this point as well. So....
Hmm, behind the scenes there is a Date Created for Invoices/Quotes. This doesn't change, obviously, since since it indicates the Date the Quote or Invoice was Created.
You can't create a List View on Date Created, but it sounds like you're making custom reports, so maybe this will help you.
Then, have the staff modify the "Quote Date" to the Date the Quote is Accepted?
That would give you a way to report on when a Quote is Created AND when they are Accepted.
Does that make sense?
Hello, I share this with the caveat that you will need someone in your company that understands databases, but we had that need for audit trails and such as well so I created a Trigger in the database so that when an quote is selected as accepted it will make a timestamp entry into another database with relevant information about the quote for audit purposes. I understand triggers have a bad reputation at times, but are very appropriate when it comes to audit entries. Other than that, I have found no other way of knowing when a quote was marked as accepted.
Awesome info Luke.
I browse the Zendesk forums a bit, it helps me get some creative ideas on how to improve our site with HTML and CSS. In the same token, I'd love to see our more creative end-users, like yourself, talk about your awesome concepts.
Could even, eventually, get a sub forum for it if the interest was there =)
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