
How do you search for customers in ESC version 15?

Hey guys!

As the subject implies, I am trying to understand how you search for customers within ESC, every day. Do you use the "Search" field and broadly search for them by typing something in? Or, do you use the Refine Filters and use the From field, in a particular filter, to help narrow your search? What types of customer info do you search for? Location Addresses, Phone Numbers, Emails, Last Names? I must know! 

I want to try to come up with a quick and easy, relevant to your business, on how to search customers quick and easy!




    But my accounting lady and some others swear by


    Hope this helps.


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  • Scott,

    We use that field all of the time by either name or address.  We rarely us the refine filters section.  We only use that field if we need to see things like tax codes or some other type of list view.  Looking up customers for history, creating dispatches or looking at previous invoices we almost always use the fields you have in the red box.


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  • And actually paying attention, ignore the second part.  Doesn't work for customer search.

    And, it really does matter why I'm searching for a customer:

    Quoting:  I use the customer field on the quote (or invoice)

    Finding old work:  Qualify screen.  Although I work from the quote/invoice lists more frequently as time goes by.


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  • Customer Center > Active Customers > Enter address

    We search by address because 1) many customers have multiple locations and 2) we update our database with information from the real estate transfers in the newspaper.  If the home has been sold, the new customer name becomes "current resident".  We keep the record active and when the new homeowner calls for service we update the customer name at that time and have all of the past history attached. Keeping the record active as current resident 1) helps identify new customers who may be interested in our services and, 2) prevents adding a duplicate address.

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  • This is very helpful to me, thank you so much for the replies!

    As someone who trained on version 13, I got use to the Qualification screen, so that was a culture shift when 15 came out.

    Since, though, I've grown more accustom to the Customer Center and working through that. BUT, trying to find out how you guys use it. So this is immensely helpful for me.

    Here's something I was thinking about...

    It seems like our users aren't noticing the "Refine Filters" button/tab.

    And on the default list view: Active Customers, the "Location Address 1" filter is not a default field. And that surprised me. As, it can be very nice to have a very specific field that pulls in that address information. Sometimes customer DO have more than 1 address or multiple "Locations" might have similar names/addresses.

    Thanks for this guys, keep it coming!

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