Can’t find that Dispatch or Invoice…?
… Or maybe you can’t find a Purchase Order or Quote. We’ve all been there at one time or another. But I wanted to show you guys a quick feature that’s hiding in plain sight. It’s the Search button, check it out.
If you don’t already have the Search bar that’s outlined in the image above, click the magnifying glass button.
This will reveal a search feature that lets you type in the number associated to Dispatches, Invoice, Quotes and Purchase Order.
Don't worry, as my example above was deliberately broad with just two zeros. I would expect to get a bunch of results with something that generic. But you can get the idea. Try typing in a specific Invoice Number or Dispatch Number. Once you find a result you want, click on it. It’ll immediately bring up whatever you were searching for.
Do you already use the Search feature? What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below!
I love this feature and just wish i could get the other office staff to use it instead of constantly asking me to find stuff for them.
It is hiding in plain sight! This is great. I'll be sure to share this with our team. Thanks Shane!
Right? Shane nailed it with this one. I can't tell you how many times I remote into a clients computer, because they're looking for a "lost" Invoice or something, and I show them this feature - instant mind blown scenario. This is an incredible feature. I do wish you could search customers with it too... =X
This feature is by far the best! Just be careful you are not "click" happy. We have (including me) deleted an invoice because of the location of the delete button in the invoice.
Nice one. I didn't even notice the icon. I typically use the Qualification screen to hunt these down.
Feature request: free-form text search that allows you to search keywords withing dispatches and/or invoices (i.e., part number, contact name, etc.) I currently use the inventory transaction report to hunt part disposition and the qualification screen for anything else.
I know, I know...they always want more. LOL Keep up the great work!
Is there any way that I can retrieve an invoice that is stuck in the tech's tablet. I have a invoice number but it says: Could not load invoice: Could not find invoice...?
Sheryl Hobson, Try selecting "Invoice List", then select "add" and in the drop down to add, select "Import from Mobile". Make sure the tablet is connected to the web through data or wifi. I recommend doing while on your wifi.
That was the first thing I did, could it be that the tech didn't have good enough service on wifi and the invoice is stuck in his tablet? This is not the first time it happened, every so often it does. No way to retrieve invoice?
Did you check the original dispatch and confirm the dispatch type was set to a "billable" type and not a dispatch that was set up for something like a non-billable type call or that the dispatch/invoice was placed in a "hold" status?

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