Tracking Times in ESC
Ok so the in times and out times are all right but the total hours is wrong... why is that and how do i fix it.
Ok so the in times and out times are all right but the total hours is wrong... why is that and how do i fix it.
Alrighty, so Just reached out to Andrea. It seems like it was more a support issue than a tip or trick. Someone, accidentally or otherwise, was modifying times on Dispatches, in the office, that were already assigned to mobile techs. But, we're just glad we could get everything on the right track!
Can you give us an example? Is this a dispatch, invoice, tech hours report?
Hey Andrea, thanks for visiting the community! We want to make sure you're as successful as possible with ESC. So we're going to give you a call to go over this topic with you. Thanks for reaching out to the community Andrea!
Scott, if Andrea doesn't mind, could you let us know what the outcome is?
Great minds think alike, my friend. I had already planned on it. Justin, one of our support reps, tried to reach out on Friday. The goal is to try again on Tuesday. Once I have a resolution, I'll be sure to update this post with what the solution. Thanks Rick!
My apologies for not updating sooner. The resolution here was that someone, accidentally or otherwise, was making modifications to the Dispatches, causing the time to not look correct. We came to this conclusion based on reviewing the work flows involved.
Also, while it probably doesn't apply here, anyone using ESC mobile for the field techs should make sure that the ESC mobile permissions are set according to their needs.
We have it set such that the techs cannot edit status times, if they miss a check in , etc., they have to talk to dispatch to get it changed.
I admit to being slightly paranoid, but I didn't want people to change late start times, excessive trip durations, etc.
It also could be that times are correct but the Date is wrong in the Dispatch date or Date off field.
can esc mobile generate a line for each tech date and labor hours as opposed to time in and out and cumulative time. This doesnt help our customers or billing since all billing is internal, we need ex: 12/21/18 8hrs 1OT
ESC MOBILE shows in 800am out 1400pm - there is not date
we are also having problem with the techs time just disappearing off of the screen... so they aren't getting paid and I'm trying to figure this out but having difficulty. Recently my husband literally watched with his own eyes our tech clock out for lunch and in for work but at midnight that night the hours still hadn't registered in ESC so he went in and adjusted the time... why does that happen and how can we stop it. Scott if your out there I need some help been fighting with this for over 2 months now
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