
Transferring Information

When ESC made it possible to open multiple quotes, invoices, etc., etc. it made a lot of processes easier.  However, if you have to copy from one screen to another it can still be a bit clunky.

So, my tip is that ESC will allow you to open multiple instances of the program on one computer.  If you have multiple monitors it makes it simple to compare two items, move things back and forth, etc.  However, you do have to maintain awareness of which reports or dialog boxes come from which instance of ESC, or you're going to get some surprises.

Hope this helps.



  • Further note:  Both instances of ESC can use the same login name, however, you do have to have enough licenses available.


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  • This is a great tip, Rick, and you are absolutely right. You can open multiple instances of ESC at a time. The best part is that you actually don't need to worry about this using up an extra license.

    dESCO licenses are per Computer, not per user.

    So if you have a large monitor, or multiple monitors, and you want to be able to see multiple different screens at a time, then just open multiple copies of ESC! I posted a picture, below, to show what it looks like. If you want to do this on your end, just go to your Desktop or navigate to your ESC Shortcut, and double-click on it after you've already opened ESC. This will result in a second copy of the program opening up. Just sign in with the same User Name and Password you usually use.

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  • Hello everyone!  I had a couple more thoughts to share on this one.  If you right click on the tabs up top, you can choose New Vertical Tab Group which would do a split screen within ESC.  Now, this might not be ideal when using one monitor, but stretching it across both screens could help and then you don't have to worry about the dialog boxes from two different instances of ESC being open.  

    Another idea is if you are trying to copy a whole invoice or quote, under Activities, there is an option to Memorize Template which will save all the line items, and then you can start a new quote/invoice and load the template.  

    Hopefully this will help with making things a bit easier!

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  • Just to add one more thing. If you are doing, for example, a warehouse transfer, you cannot leave this screen until either you are complete or you exit without saving a partial transfer. If you have two instances of ESC open at once, you don't have to worry about switching back for any number of things to use ESC as normal. 

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  • David, that is very good advice! We get calls on that one from time to time. Couldn't agree more! Welcome to the Community boards!

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