
Notes in customer and agreement sections

Is there a way to "lock" lines of text within the notes found on the general tabs of records in customer center and agreement list?  We have some standard verbiage that is applied to specific customer/agreement records and we sometimes find that it gets accidentally deleted when others are adding additional "temporary" notes.

Does anyone else have a similar issue?  How do you handle it?



1 comment
  • Wendy,

    No, there is no way to lock the notes field.  And until ESC is capable an audit trail so you can tell where the problem lies, it will be a problem.

    My suggestion would be to limit the # of people that can edit customer records so you can at least contain the problem.

    Unfortunately, we have people with differing views on what information is important and needs to be recorded in the notes field so we run into this on a regular basis.

    As a partial solution, we always make location 00001 of a customer the same as the billing address.  This gives us a place for accounting to put the myriad of contacts, contract #, blanket POs, etc.  Or things that apply to all other locations.  This, of course, assumes that the customer is a multi-location business, or a property manager, etc.  Then the notes specific to each subsequent location can be kept in the appropriate notes fields.

    Hope this helps.

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