
Invoice causing ESC to close

I am importing an invoice from Mobil device. Once I click on a specific invoice ESC closes. It is only this invoice and it has never happened before. It occurs on all work stations. I can recreate the invoice but how do I remove this specific invoice from the import list?



  • As I recall, the dESCO techs can give you a .bat file that will let you remove invoices from the import queue.

    There are some errors that ESC doesn't handle well.  I've never seen one actually crash ESC, but I've seen invoices that won't print properly, or that throw consistent errors.

    I suspect it has to do with embedded control keys, etc. that you can't see but that make the software choke.

    Sorry this isn't actually more helpful, but I suspect tech support will be in touch soon.  They are pretty awesome.


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  • Hey Katie, thanks for reaching out to us. That certainly shouldn't be happening, but Rick is correct. We do have a way to help remove that Invoice from the Import Que. I have a tech giving you a call to help resolve this!

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