
Long Commercial Install Jobs

When we are booking guys at a job for months at a time do you really have to go in and type in each day?  It would be great if there was a recurring option or a date range.  Is this something that is there that I have possibly missed? 



  • when you add techs to a dispatch, you can just double click them on the list and ESC will add them to the next day.  If you are adding several techs, alternate and it will add them to the same day, then next, etc.  Unfortunately, this function schedules weekends, so you can either keep adding through them and delete those entries later, or you have to drop out of the add tech dialog, move the "Saturday" date to Monday, they resume for that week.

    Also, if you regularly add multiple techs, or teams of techs to dispatches, you can configure those so that you enter the team as an item instead of each individual.

    Hope this helps.

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  • We use the option Rick mentioned as well. We schedule out jobs by adding them for future dates, then manually update they're time when they turn in a time sheet. It's been working great for us. I wonder if it would automatically update their times if we had them track the status with the mobile app?

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  • I am currently using the mobile app for my service department and as the work order is updated through the mobile app it updates it automatically in the office.  It has worked great for my service department.  I can print the report for each technician per day, per week etc. and it shows the dispatch time, time on, time off and at the end totals "travel time" and "job time" which has been great because we were burning a lot of hours with travel so I was able to adjust my pricing accordingly. 

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