
Ability to print dispatch without saving to EDB

 We often have the need to print a "hot sheet", aka dispatch ticket, to provide a technician or sales person with current customer information.  When there is currently not an open dispatch for that particular customer/location, printing the dispatch automatically saves it to "Unassigned" and it sits on the EDB until it is deleted.  This becomes confusing for the dispatcher because they are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the dispatch board.  When they see new dispatches they did not generate, they can end up wasting time trying to determine if it is a real dispatch to take action on, or if it was just a print of customer information.  Does anyone else run into this issue and does anyone have a quick, easy work-around?  Ideally, I'd like to see the option to "print only" or "print and save" dispatches.  This would resolve the issue altogether.  Thanks for your input!



  • If you just want the customer information, why not print a Customer Data Sheet for the correct customer and location?  That way you aren't cluttering the board, and burning dispatch numbers.

    You can find that under Customer Info > Reports : Customer Data Sheets

    Hope this helps!


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  • Rick,

    Thanks for your input!  To be more specific, the technician or salesperson is looking at model, serial and install date of equipment as well as service history.  The data sheet doesn't have the info they are looking for.  Any other ideas?

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  • Wendy,

    Take a look under Customer Info for the "Equipment Report with History".  See if that has everything you need.

    I'm not crazy about the format.  I just looked up a customer we completed a couple weeks ago and each Equipment entry has all of the history under it, so you get a lot of duplicate information.

    If your invoices are fairly simple it shouldn't be too bad.

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  • Hey Wendy,

    Not sure if this is helpful or not but you could create a "HotSheet" tech that anytime you need to print off a dispatch you can assign it to that tech. It will send the dispatch to the EDB but if you don't have that tech on the board it will just go behind the scene where your dispatcher could do a once a week purge of the "HotSheet" tech queue. That way there is no more confusion. 

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