HOAs and Property Managers, oh my

Something that we have found over the years is that HOAs and some properties that are managed by, but not owned by, property managers should be listed as their own customer, with the managing company listed as a separate location under that customer as a billing location.  That way, when the management company changes, and it will, you can add a new location for the new management company.  Once all the dispatches and invoices are done and paid, you can make the old property management location Inactive.  Do make sure that you have a turnover date listed on the new location record.

By doing this, you keep all the service records for the building/property in one place, so if you need to check what widget was installed 3 years ago, you don't have to check the records of 3 different customers, presuming that you remember who they all were.

This can also be done with 3rd Party Billing (see the Knowledge Base), but we generally only use that for specific jobs, or construction site work, etc.

Hope this helps.



  • I had someone ask about this a couple days ago. I am going to send this to them. Thanks Rick!

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  • Doesn't this conflict with ESC's billing address always being the main account and location 00001?

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  • Yes, but what are your options in this case.  We've had some of the same HOAs as customers for 30 years.  Some change management companies every year or two.  So, you can adapt a bit and have all the records in one place, or you can have the records scattered threw multiple customers over time.

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