Document additions to Vendors

Just a thought- We get updated part number sheets and other documents from vendors that would be really convenient if we had the ability to just add the document into their information.




  • Hello my friend!

    So we fast forward to a future where our vendors now have a documents tab. What would this do for you, now that the document in attached to the Vendor in the Vendor Center? How would that document help make things easier for you? What is the objective from this?

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  • Basically to keep updated lists at our fingertip in the program. We currently have things like this stored on the server, but finding what file they are in can be a bit tasking. So having equipment break downs and parts lists attached in the vendor would be pretty seamless for us.

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  • Perfect, thank you for the explanation, that helps us better understand what you're aiming for. For now, it might be helpful to Create a Vendor as a Customer in ESC so you can store these Documents in the "Customer" version of your Vendor.

    We have a couple customers using the software that do something like this currently.

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  • Additionally, you should allow documents to be attached to items in Inventory as well. For example, equipment such as water heaters could have their spec sheets attached for quick access. The same applies to toilets, faucets, pressure reducing valves etc. You could theoretically do this under the equipment screen, but then you would have to do that for everything, every time.


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  • A documents tab for Vendors would be fantastic!  We could then store documents such as the W-9, certificates of insurance, subcontractor agreements, etc.  Everything would be housed in one place - digitally.  Please consider adding this feature!


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