Multiple Techs on a dispatch
We often will send out more than one tech to a call or a job. Currently on ESC mobile the techs can't see if there is another tech expected at the same job. We have to specifically make dispatch notes all the time. It would be nice if they could see who else is assigned to the call so they can co-ordinate either parts, billing, transportation or even just notify each other if one is running ahead or behind the schedule.
I hadn't noticed this before, but I can see where this type of information could be useful. Using the Dispatch Notes is a great solution at this time, but thank you for the feedback.
That is what we are doing for now, but in an effort to make things more efficient it would be an added benefit if we didn't have to take those extra steps ;-) Thanks Scott
I have had this problem as well. If the additional techs that are assigned to the job and they are not a mobile tech, they have to ask the office where they are going. The mobile and lead tech cannot see who they have on the job with them. This also leads to open dispatched as well because all of the techs need to complete the job. The office manually has to close it out for them. I always have to write it in the dispatch notes who is on the job instead of adding a tech to avoid these problems.
We have this problem also. We manually enter the techs names into the dispatch. We also manually enter the time we've allotted for the job after their names, since the techs are never sure if we've given them 2 hours or the entire day for a job.
Allowing them to see both of these items without having to manually enter it into each dispatch, and multiple times if it's a multiple day job would help a lot.
Betsy and Scott,
Having the hours assigned show up on the mobile dispatch list display would help all the tech as there is no way for them to tell how much time we've actually scheduled them for.
For the multi-tech dispatches, the list of others assigned would be good, but could probably be put in the dispatch page.
Have you tried ESC Manager app for lead techs? they are able to see other techs schedules on it.
They can, but at that point they can also rearrange other tech's schedules, etc., which I would prefer not to do.
This is also a problem with the EDB on a PC. If I give techs the ability to look at the EDB, it also gives them the ability to modify it. It would be nice to let them look at the next week's schedule, but I'm not willing to allow them to change the schedule.
RICK...I agree with both of these that you mention below:
"Having the hours assigned show up on the mobile dispatch list display would help all the tech as there is no way for them to tell how much time we've actually scheduled them for.
For the multi-tech dispatches, the list of others assigned would be good, but could probably be put in the dispatch page."
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