To all of those effected by the flooding in the Baton Rouge, LA area...
From all of us at your dESCO family, we offer our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts are with you in this difficult time. We would like each and every one of you to know we are there for you any way we can help.
In the coming days we're going to be putting together an article that covers some best practices when these unplanned events occur.
We'll update this post when we have that link up.
Again, our hearts and thoughts are with those effected, please stay safe and do not hesitate to reach out to us if there is anything we can do to help.
As promised, here is the email that went out recently. If you did not receive it, here it is!
Mother nature has never been a predictable force. Unfortunately, we don't often think about how to prepare until we're in the "thick of it". As storms build off different coasts, we wanted to take a moment to outline some concrete measures to protect your business. Remember the simplest of steps can often guarantee the safety of your database information and computer hardware.
The following links are provided to help you ensure that your data is secure in a time of a disaster or inclement weather:
Click here to learn how to Backup your ESC file
Click here to learn how to Backup your QB file
Click here to learn how to Backup your PeachTree/Sage 50 file
Remember, backing up your data is the first step. Secure storage of these backupsoffsite is equally important. In the event that you don't have time to run a backup, the following are some low effort measures to avoid the loss of business critical data and equipment:
Again, our thoughts are with you and your friends here at dESCO are standing by in the event that you need assistance.
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