
Completed dispatches on board



Has anyone found a way or workaround to keep completed dispatches on the same board with active ones without screwing up with ESCMobile. We want to keep our techs to only see 1 dispatch at a time however if we keep completed ones to stay on board, it doesn't work too well with Mobile.


Thank you



  • Don't know if I can help with that.  I messed with it a while back and gave up, sort of.

    What is your goal in leaving the dispatches on the board? 

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  • It would be great if my dispatcher can get a full summary of the day without switching between the active and history board.

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  • Lisa,

    I suspect this will have a detrimental effect on your system, so be careful.

    Under the dispatch menu, Enter Status Codes, look at the status code for Complete

    3rd setting from the bottom is Leave on Board.  This will leave the completed dispatches on the EDB.

    However, this will require ESC to take all those completed jobs into account every time it does something on the EDB.  Scott may be able to tell us how big a problem this is, and I encourage you to wait for his feedback.

    Either way I suggest you set up a "Clear Board" code or something and use it the next day to clear  the mess off your board.  I'm also not sure what leaving a dispatch on the board will do to the Complete/Uninvoiced status of the dispatch.

    Hope this helps!


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  • I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean, so this may not help at all. But I have made a column on the non-tech side of the board that is labeled complete. Then I changed the complete status (on the status code) to stay on board like Rick was saying. On the same menu there is a place that says transfer to tech. I put in my made up complete column. Now when my techs complete a call it automatically jumps to that new column and stays there until I finalize it.  I'm not sure if that helps at a all. But it makes it easier to review what my tech has done and on what day.



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  • We did the same thing as Christina.  We've found this works very well.

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  • We created a status code called Work Done and set it to Leave On Board.  When the Tech is done he sets the dispatch to Work Done.  In the connection server our Techs do not have access to Complete.  This way the dispatches stay on the board until someone in the office completes them.  This also helps see that the times are good.

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  • Our mobile device is set to only show 1 dispatch at a time.

    If we used the leave on board option, the mobile device will be stuck on that dispatch until someone "completes" it.

    Regarding transfering tech when complete method, how do you keep track which technician was on the job?



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  • So at least from my familiarity with Leave on Board, that usually gets coupled with Transfer to Tech. 

    So what'll happen is you have a Status Code that will Transfer the Dispatch to another column, such as but not limited to a non-Tech column called Review or Follow-up, and then it will Leave on Board so that someone in the office see's this Dispatch hanging out in the "Review" column.

    In the office, you can go to the Schedule tab of this Dispatch and see all the techs that were on it.

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