
ESC Connection Server not working

I updated tonight to version 15.0.25 of the mobile connection server tonight. First it wouldn't install so i called tech support and they remoted in and manually installed it saying that most people had this problem. Now it says "Connection successful" on the status but our techs can't get in from their cell phones. Anyone else have this problem?



1 comment
  • Update: this has since been resolved.

    Hey Alan,

    Sorry to hear you're having issues with the connection server.

    Since the office is closed for the weekend, I wanted to get something out here so we can try to get you up as soon as possible.

    I emailed you. If you can get back with me as soon as possible, we should be able to setup a remote session to get this fixed for you as quickly as possible.

    Check your email associated with your Zendesk account, thanks!

    I also went ahead and created you a ticket so a tech, first thing in the morning on Monday calls you

    And if that fails, please hit us up on chat on Monday at 8:30am.

    So we have a few options here, but please check your email and lets get that remote session setup asap.

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