Remove Duplicates
Just wondering if there was a way to delete duplicate dispatches or invoices when I generate a list without exporting to excel. I like to be able to get an exact number of certain dispatch types per month or invoice types per month but there always seems to be some duplication of dispatch numbers. Not a huge deal but it would save some time.
Well the Dispatch List is showing you a breakdown by Technician/Non-Tech, which is why you see multiple lines for some Dispatches. You can 'Group' these entries together to make it easier to view, but I know what you mean!
I have two possible ways to get the information, so maybe these will help:
1) Export out the Dispatch table. Behind the scenes, there is a particular database table that has just the Dispatch, and doesn't associate specific techs. So this could be helpful for a list of Dispatches.
In ESC > File > Utilities > Import/Export > Export Data to ASCII > set the Name of Table to Dispatch >
Click the '...' button to the right of the Export File Name field > provide a File Name and click Save >
Click Export > click OK.
Now, open up Microsoft Excel, go to File > Open File > Browse to a specific file > change the File Type (in the lower-right corner of the Open window) to All Files > browse to the file you Exported from ESC and click Open.
From here you can now modify/tinker/crop the list as you see fit, but this is everything.
2) Go to Company > System Setup > Company Information > check the box for Enable Legacy Mode (if it's already checked, continue to the next step) > go to Dispatch | Search for Dispatch | click Display.
The second option will give you a list of Dispatches, but Printing doesn't give you a list, so I didn't go into that. This is pretty good for a quick visible snapshot of your Dispatches.
Hopefully one of those two helps!
Take a look at the "Search for Dispatch" item on the Dispatch menu. You can select by dates and type and it does not give you duplicates per tech.
It doesn't export, but it will give you a list.
That would be exactly what I want to see in this case. It would really be nice if they at least had a counter to tell you how many dispatches came up under your search criteria.
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