Tune Up Paperwork

I need help with attaching documents from an outside source onto desco. We have certain paperwork that our technicians must fill out on certain calls, like a tune up checklist for instance. We have almost gone completely paperless in our office but can't completely because of the tech paperwork. I need to get our checklist on the computer where the tech can fill it out and have the customer sign it on their Ipads, then attach to appropriate customer. Any suggestion? Thanks so much




  • This would be a great feature for us as well.  The only paperwork we are still generating has to do with preventative maintenance agreements and refrigeration logs.  If there was a way to incorporate that into ESC somehow that would be awesome!

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  • The best solution I've found to this is http://www.devicemagic.com/. We use it for Logs, PM checklists, Warranty Claim, Incident reports, etc.  Its a very useful form builder.  You can select delivery options within the program to deliver to email/slack/ftp etc and can also customize format, layout, and design.  We have all forms delivered to the office via dedicated slack channels and then attach them to the customer profile from there, but I suppose you could set the delivery option to the technicians email on their mobile device and then they could attach the document too.  It has very useful features like pictures, dates, signatures, lists, etc.  It's worth a look for service companies.  Hope this helps!

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  • Hi Josh;  This could be a solution for us.  For background, We have lots of PM forms that our techs need to fill out; checklists, tasking, unit info, etc.  Currently, the technicians are filling them out by hand, printng them at home or at a staples if they do not have them, etc.  lots of inefficiency and issues.  I have been looking at ab adobe read write where they woudl fill them out on a tablet and then e-mail in.  how would device magic work in that setting?  

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  • That's exactly what I designed mine for and it works flawlessly and the customization abilities are endless (Adding logos, verbiage, filenames, etc).  I tried to go the Adobe route first, but the problem is that a lot of my techs aren't too savvy with smartphones/tablets.  So to ask them to download adobe, fill out a form, save it with a specific file name, attach it to an email, and send it to the office, wasn't really an option. That crashed and burned pretty quick.  But Device Magic uses a dedicated app so all they do is open it, select the form they want, and then fill it out and hit submit.  Then it automatically puts it in the right format (pdf, excel, word, etc) and delivers it to the delegated destination (email, slack, evernote, ftp, or anywhere else you want it to go).  The forms & templates take a while to build, a few hours if your just learning, but once that's done it saves so much time.  It saves me hours in payroll per day between 15 techs and 6 office staff. It costs me $15/month per user, but after I tried it, it was a no-brainer.  My advice to you is sign up for a free trial and then contact customer service to help you build the template and first form.  That's what I did and once I understood how they did it I was able to pick up on it pretty quick. Hope this helps.  Good luck!

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  • Hi Josh!


    Very interested in your approach to our issue with forms and ESC.  I would like to know how device magic works in relation to signatures from clients and how and where the forms are stored once completed.  Until I finish getting our ESC up and running and our ESC Mobile running, we would like to at least progress with the ability to become paperless.  Having our service tickets and tasks in a paperless format that can be downloaded into QuickBooks Premier- or should I say, uploaded, would be a GREAT start in the right direction. Better yet, do you upload these documents directly into ESC attached to the equipment being discussed? Does this program work similar to the PDF Express? Can I scan a form and will the program then turn the document into a writable PDF form template?   Any help and insight you might have would be greatly appreciated.  Oh, is this program supported in Windows 7 or Windows 10?

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  • Hi ;


    I started using DM per Josh's suggestion and it has been very good.  The forms are downloaded onto the technicians device.  AFter he or she selects one and fills it out they can save it for later submission or submit.  Once they submit they can see but not edit.  When submitted, they are sent to an e-mail address you have specified.  Some stumbling blocks are the design of forms, you need to set them up in DM, then design the template (in MS word) there are a lot of things there and some learning curve.  

    RE; Uploading docs, The forms are not uploaded per se, they arrive in an e-mail in box that you can then save and attach

    Re: signatures you can have a signature capture 

    Let me know if i can help more, Jeff

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  • Josh and Jeff:


    I am attempting Device Magic's 14 day trial and as yet, it seems to have quite a few BUGS they are working out.  Have either of you experienced any issues with this program.  I have found the effort to design the form itself quite easy but the template issue seems quite laborious and the instructions are not well written.

    I questioned the need for spreadsheets and using sheets or docs in google drive but that is not an option, I am told. I was informed you must use only pdf or docx files. May I ask, how you are then designing excel documents??


    Thanks a mil!

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