Entering Filter Criteria

I was entering the following to send into support...


I'm using the Technician Sales Summary Report to do YTD on our field techs.  The tech dispatch names are entered as:
1 Van 1 JVM
2 Van 2 DM
3 Van 3 PL
4 Van 4 JMV
5 Van 5 JSB
6 Van 6 JC
7 Van 7 DWS
The leading number on the dispatch name is simply to allow a single character entry.
So, on the report, I've added the Technician name/handle field as a filter and entered From "0" and To "7" (without the quotes).
What I get on the report is the first 6.  If I enter 1 to 99, I get all them them.
So, as I'm writing this up, ding, it dawns on me that 7 Van 7 DWS is actually after 7 as a filter or sort, so of course it didn't work as expected.  So, I moved it here instead.
So, this is a general info / reminder to think through your filter criteria, particularly if you don't get the results that you expect.
In the above example using From/To  1 to 7* also works, so the wild card characters is functional.
Hope this helps.




  • This is great! 

    Also, huge shout out to the wild card character: *

    Not many people know or think to use that. It doesn't always work, but it's always worth trying.

    What is a Wild Card

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  • Scott,

    I've been around since before DOS was invented, wildcards are my friends.  Unfortunately, they get left out of programs these days.  So, props to the dev team for keeping them alive.


    Oh wow, I'm starting to sound like one of those old guys.   : (

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  • LOL, you mean you're starting to sound like one of the invaluable guys ;)

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