Mobile Dispatching Features
This may have been mentioned in the past but i can find no post about it. The technicians are unable to attach existing equipment to a work order they are working on if the office did not attach it before assigning it. Am i overlooking something, this should be a feature as many customers have more than one furnace or piece of equipment that will need service but can not be identified until on site. I also have found no way for a tech or manager with the mobile manager app to be able to add a new location to a customer from the mobile or manager app. This makes invoicing a landlord or commercial property almost impossible especially when the service is at a new location that our company has not serviced in the past. If i am overlooking something please share and help, if i am not, then i would highly recommend/suggest and hope for these features to be available in an update or revision.
When looking at a dispatch, the techs should see a button on top for Equipment, they should be able to add equipment, and I believe use the camera on the phone to take a picture of it.
The whole inability to add a customer location is a major PITA which bites us on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure we used to be able to do this on the older Laptop client, but no more.
Rick is correct!
There is a button for Equipment and then the tech will have a list of Equipment that's associated to that customer's Location. If it's not already listed there, then they can add it through this tab.
If the equipment IS there, then they can simply TAP on the Equipment and click Edit then click Save/Back. This will attach that Equipment to the Invoice/Dispatch so you see it checked off.
This ONLY shows up in the office once the Dispatch has been COMPLETED by the tech in the field.
I am not talking about adding new equipment to the customer file. I am talking about attaching existing equipment that is on the customer file to the work order. Open the equipment tab on mobile and at the top it will say no attached equipment with option to edit equipment or add new. No option to attach existing.
I will look into the edit/save as Scott suggests and see if this works. As far as it only showing up in the office once completed, our customers prefer to have the attached equipment show up on their invoice. If it will not show on the mobile invoice then the office will still have to send the invoice after manually attaching it. If i understand your reply.
Well you're actually discussing two separate scenarios, or at least two separate workflows that could take place. The Equipment one I previously discussed or a workflow that takes place on the Mobile Invoice.

But to first confirm, the suggestion I provided will work beautifully for existing equipment. If you encounter a scenario where a tech doesn't see existing equipment, then you have other issues not related to mobile (the Dispatch is probably assigned to the wrong location or there is no existing equipment). You can check it out and let us know your discoveries!
Moving onto the next workflow...
If you want to see the Equipment on the Invoice, then you'll use the Invoice on Mobile and an Inventory Item that is set to "Post to Equipment."
What'll happen is, the tech goes into the Invoice and adds the Inventory Part that is set to Post to Equipment. It'll add to the Mobile Invoice just like any other Item. And the customer will end up seeing this on their Invoice.
Back in the office, after the Dispatch has been Completed and during the Import from Mobile for that particular Invoice, you'll get a screen confirming the attachment of the Equipment.
That's it. Pretty straight forward from there.
You are correct sir,
I have verified that you need to go into the existing equipment file to add it to the dispatch and this has answered my question. The second was adding a new location to an existing customer file from mobile tech or mobile manager. If i receive an after hours or weekend service call for a rental property and this is a new location that is not on the customers file. I have not found a way to add a "new location". Is there a way to add a location to and existing customer. Should i direct this question as a new and separate post?
No need, good sir! Unfortunately there is not a way to add a location through Mobile.
so when will they fix this problem.
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