On-call technician

We currently use a paper on-call schedule that is distributed to the technicians, service manager and dispatcher.  It would be nice to be able to highlight the technician that is on call on any given day for global visibility on the dispatch board and even in ESC Mobile.

Looking for feedback from the community to learn how others identify the technician(s) that are on-call for a particular evening or weekend.




  • Hey Wendy!

    One thing I've seen is a second (or just a different Dispatch Board) that is setup to only show Dispatches of a specific Priority.

    So, they might make a Priority called On Call.

    Then, they have a new Dispatch Board, that is set to ONLY show Dispatches with a Priority of On Call.

    Then, you can create Dispatches with the Priority of On Call and assign them to only techs that would be On Call for that particular Promised Date. And then you could, once on the Dispatch Board, expand the size of the Dispatch so that it spans over, say, a few hours or however long they are on Call For.

    Ultimately a Dispatcher could easily click between Dispatch Boards and see who is On Call.

    Just make sure the Dispatches that are created in these Scenarios are Non-Billable or simply Delete them.

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  • Hi Scott!

    I don't know that we will need to create dispatches for this board.  It would really just be a reference for everyone to know who's on call.  I can work with that...only until you and your FAB team create a way for us to color code the on-call technicians on the board :)

    You're the best...thanks!



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  • Wendy,

    If you are just trying to dissemination the information, Create a location under the "Your company" customer that is "your comany - oncall".  Create a weekly (could be monthly, but I think it would be a mess) dispatch.  This will put in on the schedule for the appropriate techs on the correct day.

    If you want to identify after hours jobs then an "after-hours" priority code would probably be simplest.

    Once you've done the top  paragraph you can do a yearly, quarterly, etc. tech hours report for that customer/location and have a quick gauge of who is taking calls, and who is find ways to duck out.  Just make sure that all the on-call dispatches are set with the same duration.  We us 15 minutes.

    This also gets the tech a heads up during the work day that he has calls that night, or that weekend.  No excuses.  If a tech is off on their on call day it's up to them to find someone to cover, or exchange days with them.

    Hope this helps.

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  • Is this fabulous enough? =)

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  • Hi Wendy,

    We created a customer ".On Call" and we assign the on call technician a dispatch for the week for this customer.  If they are called out after hours there is a dispatch on their mobile device.  If an after hours call come in all the time and notes will be logged onto this dispatch.  The we just move this information to a dispatch for the customer the following day.

    We don't delete the on call dispatch - we just complete.  So we have a history of who was on call when!



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  • All of the suggestions are fabulous...many thanks to each of you!


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  • You're very welcome my friend! Hope all is well on your end!

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