Notifying Technicians of Updated Dispatches

Could we add a feature that shows the technician that a dispatch has been updated with additional notes? Sometimes we'll create a dispatch with very little info in the morning, and the technician will download it and read it immediately. By the time he is actually heading to the call, he is SUPPOSED to re-read the dispatch to look for new notes, but they don't always do it. Is there a way to maybe change the color or bold the font on a dispatch that has received updated information since the last time it was looked at?  Thanks!



1 comment
  • Hi Reid, 

    Thanks for the great question.  There is not a way to color code or bold dispatch notes.  We actually highly advise against the practice of updating a dispatch after it has been downloaded by the tech.  This type of activity has a high risk of causing data loss between mobile and the office.  Once the tech has downloaded the dispatch it uses the cache on the device for storage until it is completed so things like invoices and notes can be lost.  We recommend using the “email technician” function in ESC in this situation or having the tech “un-download” the dispatch (or not open it all together) until they are ready for it.  You can limit the techs to seeing only their current dispatch as well if that is an option for you. 

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